Feb 16, 2013

The Waters of Africa & Life Itself

So here it is, week four in Africa. The breeze flows, the sun radiates, the waves crash, and the storms rage. I never thought that I would learn so much about God and myself in four short weeks. I have had the privilege of swimming in the Indian Ocean, shopping in the marketplace in Durban, playing in the rain/thunderstorms of Africa, cheering with raging fans at a rugby game, basking in the sun at my Biology fieldtrips, & getting closer with the girls of my D-Group through sharing stories, tears, and God encounters. Is this real life???.... God constantly seems to blow away any expectations that I might have. The moment that I think that I have full control, He reminds me that I do not have any control whatsoever. I am so far out of my comfort zone that I have no option but to lean on God. He has supplied my every need here. He is sustaining me every step of the way.

I have been challenged physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And yet I am still chasing after God through the challenges. This past week was probably the most difficult/best week that I have had since I have been here. The week began with the flu & a high temperature of 103. :( I could barely eat a full meal and I was downing fluids like there was no tomorrow. It sucked being sick and feeling like I was behind on school work and missing out on fun adventures. I even began to get emotional when I was by myself in my chalet because I felt so far away from home. Everything that I may have wanted or needed was so far out of reach. But thankfully to my surprise, God had surrounded me with amazing people to pray for me, lift up my spirit, and care for me when I needed them the most. As I have said before, Africa is constantly challenging me in so many ways and one thing that I heard God say while alone in my room was "Worship Me." My response was to sing praises to him, tears filled me eyes as I felt his embrace while singing in the comfort of my own room. In about four days I was healed from my sickness. Never have I ever experienced a quick recovery from that type of sickness before...BUT GOD PEOPLE!!! The following day was {Valentine's Day}. <3 It was such a wonderful day filled with so much joy, laughter, and spontaneous dance parties & Karaoke. :) What more could I have asked for??? I received an abundant amount of love in the form of verbal affirmation, warm embraces, and quality time from my S. Africa fam. thIt did not even matter that I was single or sick the night before. It's funny how God can bring people into your life that can make your experiences 10x better, and honestly I wouldn't have had it any other way. Not many people can say that Jesus & 50+ people were their valentine, but I can. <3

Just when I thought that my week could not get any better, yesterday our group experienced a cultural submersion day at UBI {Union Bible Institute}. This was probably my favorite part of our entire trip thus far. We were able to engage in Zulu worship songs, attend this University's chapel service where our director, Papa Reg spoke about meditating in the word of God. [[Seriously, everything this man says blows my mind, it's unreal.]]........As part of their culture and tradition at UBI, the APU students were to present to them a Worship song and then an American dance to follow. In the huslte/ bustle of the day I somehow got nominted to lead our group of 53 students in a worship song. Now those who know me know that I am on a worship team back home at church. And those who are apart of my church family know that I have lead our small team on some Sundays during the year. So when I say that I lead our group of 53 students in a song + in front of a congregation of S. African natives from UBI who are basically strangers, it's kind of a big deal for me. In fact... IT'S A REALLY BIG DEAL!!! We sang "Bless the Lord" by Tye Tribbett, & it was one of the coolest things that I have ever experienced. There is something so sweet when the body of Christ joins together to bless HIS holy name. After we concluded singing, the UBI students shouted and cheered for our group and we continued in a Zulu song that we had just learned. This Zulu song was so awesome because as we stepped into their culture, there were no barriers for all of us to praise God. Nothing was in the way. God was the center of that day. It was beautiful to experience the common denominator as human beings that is the sweet truth that we are all sons and daughters of the most high God. I get chills just thinking about it. The day did not end yet. We had a full day of activities planned with UBI. Our activities consisted of games between both schools and then the big event was a soccer game...in the RAIN!!!

For me, waters are so symbolic of cleansing, nourishment and life. Whether it be in the form of rain, the ocean, tears, or water to drink...it is so necessary to live. I am reminded of the scripture where Jesus speaks to a Samaritan woman and tells her, "But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again."-John 4:14 Such wisdom and power in this one statement. We need water to survive, we need water to get through our day, but most of all we need water to have true  life. Christ is what we need. He sustains us above all. I am thirsty for Christ here in this moment and in this place. Fill me up Lord I am longing and expecting you. <3

Jan 27, 2013


This beautiful waterfall is in my backyard.  Unreal.

The monkey never leaves...ever.

My beautiful home (Chalet) in South Africa

I am extremely blessed to live life with these girls.


Just going to Biology class. :D

We're so freaking excited!!!! #TIA #BIOLOGYCLASS

Jan 24, 2013

The Sweet Arrival;TIA.

I made it. I am finally here!!!!!! God remained faithful and he kept his word. After all of the traveling, I am finally settled in the beautiful city of Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal. I have three words to say, and I use them quite often… This Is Africa. {TIA} For starters, I am not used to driving on the opposite side of the road, or that a steering wheel is on the right side of a car, but no worries according to the leaders here in our program we should all adjust to the changes midway of the semester. I am not used to the little monkey families that hang outside of my chalet as if they were local cats. I am not used to falling asleep with the soothing sound of a waterfall behind my chalet. I am not used to not having my cell phone or my internet to socialize 24/7. I am not used to insane /trecherous hikes in the jungles of Africa just to reach waterslides and hidden waterfalls. I am not used to saying “Zeh-bra” instead of “Zee-bra”. I am not used to tea time twice a day, with yummy homemade treats to go with it. I am not used to speaking in Zulu with what seems to be 100 ways to ‘click’ with your mouth in order to say one word. {I am being over dramatic; there are only 3 ‘clicks’ along with various rules in the language; but it is not the easiest thing in the world, just saying.} I am not used to going to class in paradise. I feel like my life is straight up out of a movie. These places do not exist in real life….OH WAIT, THEY DO… TIA!!! As I write this blog, I am somewhat speechless because I feel every emotion. And honestly it did not hit me that I was going to South Africa until this very moment. It was not until I stepped on this beautiful piece of land that God had created, that is so unique and different in its own way. So much of what I see and who I talk to is all new and refreshing. And even though I may be out of my comfort zone, I am not alone. I am blown away by how many amazing people I have met already. I am thrilled because so many of us have shared quite a few...or should I say A LOT of laughs.  And I must say that the random dancing with the locals as well as friends here is the best!!! If had to describe what I feel now in two words it would be, READY and THANKFUL. I am ready to see what God will do this upcoming semester and in my life. I have become aware of so many things in such a short amount of time. My eyes have been opened to the heart of God and the nature of who he is. I am thankful for this opportunity that I have. I don’t take anything for granted. Yes, I may miss my family and friends back home, but I am here. God has ordered my steps and he has brought me here. I am learning to be present and put myself out there. I have had up/down moments but I am leaning on God for my strength. During my biology class yesterday, on our field trip to a Reserve, we had a set amount of time to be alone and have quiet time. We sat by ourselves at the edge of a cliff to admire all of the nature, or should I say one of the masterpieces of God. It was one of the best things that I had ever done. It was a time for me to be still and rest in the presence of God and be one with His creation. I stand in awe of God and his marvelous works. T.his I.s A.frica . I don't know if God is speaking louder here or if I am just finally listening. As He calls, I shall respond with a willing, yielded, and open heart to serve His Kingdom. Have your way Lord, I give my life to you. <3

P.S. I apologize for the lack of photos, the internet is not so great here and it has been giving me issues, but they will be coming soon... hopefully!!!! :)


Jan 13, 2013

Packing, enough said.

Oh my goodness I leave in 3 days!!! This seriously feels like a dream and I keep waiting to wake up..... Last night my mom threw me a going away party and as people kept flooding in my home it was as though the night was never going to end. I was surrounded by friends, family, good food, and love. All of these people that God strategically placed in my life came by my side to send me off. From words of encouragement in letters to long warm embraces, I was forced to face the reality that the time for me to leave is practically here.
Surprisingly, I didn't get emotional during the party. I honestly don't think it will hit me until I am on the plane or even until I arrive on African soil. Although this entire experience has been bittersweet, I have had a weird feeling saying 'goodbye' and 'see you later' to the people that I've been constantly living life with. In my mind I sometimes wish that I could pack all of them in my suitcase and bring them with me, but I guess that's not part of the deal.
One of the things that I have been dreading the most is packing. Okay let's be real, It makes me nervous and anxious!!! I am planning for 4 months away, and yet I have to pack light. I have to prepare for various types of weather and fit what seems to be my entire life in two suitcases. I feel like I'm gonna go nuts!!! But really, how in the world can I pick and choose what to leave behind and what to take along with me? I feel so indecisive. In four words, packing for South Africa is: Preparing for the UNKNOWN. When I step back and think about how I am preparing to embark on this amazing journey that God has set out for me, I realize that the journey as well as the 'packing' or preparation is a matter of trusting God. He knows all of my needs and He knows the desires of my heart. So I guess that's what I'll do. I will grab hold of God vs. a pair of jeans and my favorite sandals and let go of the familiarity. I will trust Him even if I am out of my comfort zone. That's what this journey is all about... right?!

So here's to the journey ahead. Ready or not world, here I come!!!
{&& when it comes to packing, I guess all that's left to say is...'Hakuna Matata'.} :)

Jan 6, 2013

10 More Days!!!

I cannot believe that I leave for South Africa in 10 more days!!!! Boy, does time fly when you are having fun. :) It is weird to think that just a couple months ago I was waiting for an acceptance email into the program. In late August I jumped for joy because what was once a vision became a possibility. And now the possibility is transitioning to reality right before my eyes. I sometimes still feel the shock and stand in awe. Not once did I think that I would be in the position where I am at now. There is no way that I could have predicted this moment in my lifetime. I have two words to say: But God. I thought that I would not have the funds to study abroad, but God intervened and provided. I thought that I would not graduate if I left the country the second semester of my junior year, but God made a way out of no way. I did not know how I would get everything I needed to succeed in school as well as abroad in South Africa, but God opened the doors and brought the right people in my path to help me out. I did not know how to trust others with the responsibilities that I am leaving behind, but God has taken care of all my concerns. The list goes on and on. I do not know what will happen in the future I but I know that I want to be planted and rooted in Christ so that I may flourish and produce fruit by the means of living water. My life is not my own, but it is in the hands of the maker of heaven. God I surrender to you. Prepare my heart and let your will be done.10 MORE DAYS PEOPLE! This is unreal. Oh wait.......this is my real life. :D

Hakuna Matata! I am going to South Africa!

Hello Readers, Friends, and Family!

I received this opportunity of a lifetime to study abroad and travel with my school Azusa Pacific University. I will be traveling with a group of about 56 people to the lovely country of South Africa. I will be gone for four months. I will do my best to update this blog and let all of you know how God is moving in my life. I am beyond excited for this adventure. Watch me grow! :)

Sam <3